
3 trains routing solution level 58 rail maze
3 trains routing solution level 58 rail maze

After the high-speed rail express train is put into use, it could effectively relieve the pressure of highway transportation and significantly reduce transport pollution.

3 trains routing solution level 58 rail maze

Fortunately, China’s high-speed rail network has been networked, and the development of a high-speed rail express train has entered the test stage. At the same time, the rise of the e-commerce mode has given rise to a huge demand for express delivery and the express industry has entered a period of boom. The sustained and steady development of China’s economy has led to the rapid improvement of the logistics. SA and GA show little difference in quality, with SA being slightly better. We also show that hash function type affects the improvement. The results indicate moderate (4–8%) to considerable (14–38%) improvement in makespan compared to default schedule for most instances.


We employ the algorithms in a computer experiment using real-life password cracking instances and hash functions. We propose two metaheuristic algorithms based on the Simulated Annealing and Genetic Algorithm method to solve this problem. We present a mathematical model of the problem, formulating it as a specific case of the problem of scheduling independent jobs on parallel machines with machines speed and makespan criterion. In this paper, we show a multi-GPU cracking platform build on Hashcat-based open-source distributed tool Hashtopolis for use in password cracking and computer forensics. Thus, distributed password cracking platforms with dozens of GPUs become a necessity in the race against criminals.

3 trains routing solution level 58 rail maze

Due to the current challenges in computer forensics and password cracking, a single GPU is no longer sufficient.

3 trains routing solution level 58 rail maze